missions & outreach

With our vision of taking the hope of Christ to our community, and Christ's charge that we are to make disciples of all nations, we are involved in our community in a number of ways. We also take part in missions and outreach beyond our community. See below for more information.

Watered Gardens

First Baptist Church of Webb City pairs with Watered Gardens to engage with the area homeless and poor with the compassionate example of Christ.

We volunteer the first Saturday of each month. Please inquire through our office if you would like to serve.

Isaiah 58:11

The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.



First Baptist Church of Webb City joins Crosslines Churches of the Joplin Area with the mission of "Concerned volunteers working together across denominational lines to meet human needs in the name of Jesus." We are a part of the more than 60 supporting churches, over 200 volunteers, and 9 part-time staff members celebrating 35 years of service to the Joplin, Carl Junction and Webb City communities. We are looking forward to many more years of "Serving God's people in need through church and community partnerships."

We volunteer every third Wednesday of the month. Please inquire through our office if you are interested in serving.


Webb City cares

Webb City CARES provides a bridge between the community and local resources with Webb City R-VII School District surrounding our students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and thereby paving the road to a better tomorrow.

First Baptist Church partners with the Webb City Junior High School campus.

Through our partnership, we help the students of Webb City School district with various material needs and a positive presence. 

There are many ways you can get involved. Donations are needed of various kinds. Help through serving in various programs is also needed. 

Please inquire through our office if you are interested in serving through this program. 

Missouri Baptist Convention

Our church is affiliated by volunteer cooperation with the Missouri Baptist State Convention of churches. We designate a percentage of our funds to this state convention. The reason for this is we realize there is strength in numbers and more can be accomplished for Christ's glory for the good of the world when churches work together on mission. 

Through our cooperation with the Missouri Baptist Convention, we help support outreach and mission endeavors such as: the Missouri Baptist Children's Homes, Veteran's Homes, Disaster Relief, church planting efforts in the state of Missouri, and much more. 

Southern Baptist Convention

Our church voluntarily cooperates with the Southern Baptist Convention. This convention of cooperating churches is over 50,000 strong. Through this network of churches we work together to be on mission to make disciples of all nations per the mandate Jesus has given us. 

We designate portions of our funds to to the Southern Baptist Convention's Cooperative Program. This large fund is used to fund missionaries and church planters in North America and in many countries around the globe. 

We also help fund seminaries to train the next generation of pastors and missionaries. We also support the nation's largest disaster relief organization through our cooperation. Through this financial cooperation our church is helping carry out the Great Commission both foreign and domestically.