First Kids-wednesdays

Ages: 5 years old - 6th Grade

Wednesdays   6:00-7:30 pm

Doors open at 6:00 pm

Light Meal ~ Bible Lesson

Missions ~ Crafts/Games

First Kids- Sundays

We offer Sunday morning classes for children of various ages.


Ages: Pre-K through 6th Grade

Younger Kid Class

Older Kid Class

Vacation bible school

Save the Date! 

VBS is happening July 14-17. 6-8:30PM

Check back later for more information when we go live with the VBS website.

We offer a safe atmosphere where dedicated volunteers help children from pre-school to 6th grade learn about God's love and His teachings. Volunteers are background checked and annually trained in our church's child protection procedures.

Click HERE to open our page in Facebook.