How can someone be saved from their sins and spared God's judgment?
Mankind is in sin in our natural condition. All people are doomed to face God’s eternal judgment. This judgement will be carried out for eternity in a place called hell. However, we believe God has made a way for people to be saved from God’s judgement and forgiven of their sins.
Jesus Christ is the only way. He came and died on the cross to pay for sins and fulfill the Law of God. He rose again three days later showing He conquered death.
Salvation is only by faith in Jesus Christ alone. Faith in His sacrifice and resurrection on our behalf brings forgiveness of sins and causes us to have new spiritual life alive to God.
Jesus offers this salvation to all people, but only those who truly repent and believe in Him have forgiveness and the hope of eternal life. Jesus said in John 3:16 God's love sent Jesus to this world to die for sins and offer eternal life to anyone who believes. He furthermore said in John 3:18 that the one who believes (has faith) in Him (Jesus) is not judged by God; however the one who does not believe in Him can consider themselves as judged by God already.
Salvation means our sins are forgiven (sent away, cleared). It also means we are declared righteous, no longer guilty, by God. It means we know we will also be saved for all eternity. After we physically die in this life, we will be resurrected to live forever in the presence of God in perfection with no more sin and death.
Only through faith (belief, trust, & reliance) upon Jesus' death as a sacrifice to pay for our sins and His resurrection from the dead three days later, can we be saved. A person is saved by God's grace only, not their self-effort. How a person receives God's grace is through their faith in Jesus' work on their behalf. He upheld God's Law on our behalf, died in our place for sins, and rose again from the dead paving our path to eternal life.
The Scriptures teach a person must repent of their sins (turn away) and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. It furthermore says a person must confess (agree with God) that they are a sinner in need of saving. Then believe with the heart (have faith) that Jesus is Lord and the only way to be saved from our sinful state.
A person is given a new nature, new spiritual heart alive to God and our desires change to become the desires of God in our life. We are not perfect after salvation in Christ, yet we are given a new direction in our lives and we know from our hearts we belong to God and want to live for Him more each day.
We believe the Bible is clear that salvation, once truly granted by God by grace through faith, is eternal. No true child of God can lose their salvation. Salvation is eternally secured for the child of God. We are sealed for eternity by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14). Those who abandon the faith and denounce Christ are an apostate. This means they never truly had real faith leading to real salvation to begin with and as time progressed they eventually revealed what was true about them all along. Others may go through a season of walking far from God, but if they are a true child of God, they will be brought back into faithfulness through God's loving discipline (Hebrews 12:5-11).
See John 3; Romans 4:23-25; 5:1-2; & 10:8-13.